Hi friends
Itz been very long since we have sat for chatting! When we started this venture, we had plans of updating this blog every day... But, the venture has taken us soo long that we can't even think of writting something here even once a week! anyways, "NO TIME" should not be the reason for anything!!
How are you foodies? hwz life? enjoying our food or cursing us every time? feel free to write to us so that we can cater according to your wish..
The things are goin in right way in right path. We are happy that atleast 95% of our customers are happy with our gr8 food. A lot of parties have been arranged, a lotta new customers, lotta fresh orders.. Our team is Khush n we hope our customers too Khush. JaI hO!
And in these days, we had a very good number of funny moments too.. wanna share one of those with you.
It was July 2. We were, as usual, busy with our food carriers. And around 3, we gotta call. The voice was sweet, but not a familiar one. It said, "See, this is funny, but serious. We have arranged a party. J.P.Nagar itself. around 20 guys. want very very funky food. Game?" And we were game!
for two reasons. Firstly, it was the first party order for us. So we were a bit excited. Secondly, they wanted funky food. We too were bored with our rice, rasam, sambar and wanted to test something new n fresh.. We, at once, agreed! And the party was just that night itself. We were excited, worried, happy n perplexed. Took it as a challenge. We prepared the menu: Babycorn Manchow fry, French fry dipped in strabery creamy sauce, steamed rice cake with saahi paneer, baby potato stir fry with australian pepper and lastly, A big lovely Black forest cake! The menu was funkiest enough to thrill our customers!
The great mistery was that we did not know what the vaccation was that and our customers told "It is a secret, do serve as we order!!" when we asked about it. We had to run around for collecting items, guiding our chefs about food, packing with extra care... and finally we were ready to serve at 7.
In between we had two calls from our customers enquiring about the status. We briefed them about what was goin on, but were kept in dark completely about their identity. We were in a confused state but still wanted to give a try. Lastly, we left to their place at 7.15.. The party was about get started at 7.30..
The customers had given only a landmark but not had given any particular address. We had almost forced them to give the complete address, but they had denied. The voice had told us not to worry about the address but to concentrate on preparing food. We had followed their instructions promptly though we were not happy about it. And now we had to ask their address, otherwise, we were ready to go back home!!
The voice over phone asked us go left, come right, take a cross, move further, come back.... and we were completely LOST!! The voice told us to stop finally and we were almost dead!! Now we stopped infront of a house. It was a good, old but artistic house. Though it was at the centre of the town, it was calm n cool. we liked the place for its peaceful atmosphere. A tall slim guy with blue striped T-shirt, an yellow-pink scarf and a maroon jeans was waiting to welcome us with a cute smile. "Hi, Im Ajay.. Im extremely sorry if you struggled to find this place. Sorry for not telling you the address earlier. It was inevitable. Sorry..", he added. He took us to the house and we could easily make out that the party was on its high. Loud music, colourful ribbons, balloons, shouting, laughing and many more... we could understand that some great celebration was goin on. We just stepped in and there was a big loud clap.. All of them shouted with chorus: "JaI hO!!"
The party was in full swing. Jovial. Loud. colourful. We could see seven colours everywhere. The news reader was shouting in TV about the new verdict. Channels were showing some great people like Selina Jaitely, Rahul Gandhi, Baba Ramdev, Ambika Soni, Rohit Bal, Sharukh, Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra, Manoviraj Khosla and many more romeos of this planet..... People were celbrating. We were perplexed. The group turned to us and shouted with claps: "SAKKAT.... JaI hO".
And later there were some formalities. We handed over the food. The guys were friendly and helpful in every sense. They offered some drinks. We liked the chill beer in that hot party.. Left the place at 8.
The party was very sweet n remebering one. It was the topic of our talk while driving back home. We were very happy and satisfied for giving a good, perhaps best?, food to our customers.. while driving back home, we were tired and exhausted.
Reached home at 10.30. Our favorite TIMES NOW had organised a debate on some hot topic in that cold night. Same Selina, same Baba, same Moulvi showed their faces. Bible, Khuran and BhagavadGeetha came in discussion. Some clippings of celebrations were shown. Seven colour flag was waved here n there... Everywere, everyone was asking the big question: "Is it legal, or illegal? right or wrong? Indian or western? what what what? what is the answer boss??"
They were still debating. Got bored of this meaningless endless talkshows, we switched off the TV...
and finally, saluted Delhi Highcourt for giving our first party customer and went to bed... ;)